Sunday, April 04, 2004

Happy Kucinich Day

Today, April 4th, is significant for a few reasons. First, it's my sister's 25th birthday. So that means she can legally drink now. Second, it's the date of Martin Luther King's assassination. So that means that my sister was born on the day he died, and I was born on his birthday, which is January 15th. I take that as to mean that my sister and I are honorary members of the the African-American community. I've always liked the fact that MLK and I share the same birthday.

But today is a special day here in Carrboro, North Carolina. For those of you who don't know, Carrboro is kind of like the lesser-known and more liberal sister town to Chapel Hill. The University of North Carolina is basically at the Chapel Hill-Carrboro border. Chapel Hill has a reputation for being liberal, but I think it's largely in part due to Carrboro.

And today was designated "Dennis Kucinich Day" by the mayor of Carrboro. And the guest of honor guessed it, Congressman Dennis Kucinich! I'm not sure how everyone feels about him, but he, to me, is the IDEAL person for this country, whether it be as president or any other leadership position acting on behalf of the good of this country. Even though I have doubts on whether he can be an effective president because there would be so much opposition from the powerful (Republicans, rich Democrats, corporations, the national media, and people just afraid of change), I still support him wholly on his quest to make some changes in both the Democratic party and the lawmakers in Congress. He still beats the hell out of Bush, John Kerry, John Edwards, and others.

Today also makes me appreciate even more the town I live in. Carrboro (and Chapel Hill) is a special and very progressive place, and I realize what I'm giving up by moving to Chicago at the end of June. The people here are how the rest of this country should be like...hell, the rest of fucking conservative North Carolina. You may remember that the Daily Show with Jon Stewart came here last year to do a piece on Carrboro's "French Appreciation Month," in response to all those anti-French sentiments because of the war in Iraq. (The term "freedom fries" originated from somewhere in this state.) I fucking love this town. I can easily see myself moving back here when I want to settle down...or if I find that Chicago's not a place I want to live in after all.

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