Tuesday, January 11, 2005

A side effect of not working + beer

I might actually start working soon, but at the moment I'm still not. One side effect of not working is not knowing exactly what day it is, especially when I'm drinking.

I was at a bar with my friend Luke earlier tonight, and since he has to wake up early tomorrow morning to go to work, I decided to call another unemployed friend of mine to see if what he was up to, hoping he was at already at a bar because I wanted to continue drinking. Here's how the conversation went.

Me: "Yo, Ed. What's up?"

Ed: "Nothing much. What are you up to?"

Me: "Oh, not much. I'm at some bar with Luke, and he has to go home soon because of work tomorrow. I was wondering what you guys were up to since I know you guys go to Club Foot on Mondays."

Ed: "But it's Tuesday."

Me: "Oh shit...it is???"

Ed: "Yeah." (Laughs)

Me: "Oh yeah, I guess you're right. Okay, I'll talk to you later."

Ed "Later."


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